Data Center Development

Teton Digital develops large-scale data centers focusing on operational efficiencies and long-term business stability. By building from the ground up and establishing local relationships early, our data centers can realize more extensive projects with less risk and a bigger bottom line

  • Business-friendly locations - We want to do business in states and municipalities that want to work with us, not just now, but for the long term.

  • Low-cost and reliable energy source - Projects generally start with one power source but will include multiple sources for redundancy as the greater project is realized. Low-cost and reliable power is critical.

  • Cooler Climates - This allows for significantly less CAPEX and ongoing operating expenses for cooling. By locating in more temperate/cooler climates, our data center operations can save 10-15% of total project energy costs, significantly increasing our data center’s bottom line.

  • 30-45 minutes from Population Centers - Hardworking people are the lifeblood of a thriving data center. From planning to construction to operations, data center development moves rapidly and requires a skilled workforce.

Large Scale Site Criteria We Look For

Large Data Center Impacts

  • Economic Growth and Job Creation - Large data centers require a large workforce, which helps drive economic growth and skilled job and education opportunities.

  • Increased Tax Revenue - These are large, heavy CAPEX projects that will produce significant revenues now and in the future.

  • Infrastructure Development - We invest in building or significantly upgrading local substations and industrial facilities.

  • Stabilized Local Electricity Rates and Demand Response Capabilities - By investing in local power infrastructure and participating in demand response programs, large data centers enhance grid reliability and manage peak load demands more efficiently, thereby reducing overall costs and rate volatility for all local electricity users.

  • Technological Advancement - Data centers spur innovation by attracting tech entities and boosting STEM education through local partnerships.

  • Community-Driven Initiatives - It is critical to have a “home” where everyone can be successful. Investing in and giving back to the community is a constant and vital part of the enterprise's long-term success.